
12oz. bags

decorative blue tiles.

Blend components

El Salvador, Guatemala, Ethiopia

Notes from our Green Buyer

The Winter Blend highlights our partnerships and sourcing efforts throughout Central America and Africa. The first coffee of this blend we brought in from our old friend Luis Pedro’s family farm, Bella Carmona. The second component comes from another long-time and admired friend of ours, Lucia Ortiz, in Usulután, El Salvador. The third component is a naturally-processed coffee from Ethiopia, Bekele Belaycho. Our good friend, Ben Heins, helped us discover this coffee (like many of our other Ethiopians) and get it from Sidama to us here in Oak Cliff. This is a blend you’ll want to keep coming back to, as it offers a lot of easy brewing versatility—from pour-over to espresso to French press. This is a blend that will keep you warm and make everyone happy!

Notes from our Roaster

With Single Origin coffees, you taste two things: the distinctive of where it comes from and the skill of those who grew your coffee. However, with blends, you get something additional: you get to taste the interplay, or harmony, of those coffees combined together. It gives us (the roaster) an opportunity to create a more complex and balanced cup of coffee than what the components may offer you individually. Your Winter Blend is comprised of a variety of origins and processing methods – two Central American coffees (one washed-processed, one honey-processed) create an overall sweeter flavor profile with a full mouthfeel, having notes of almond and caramel, whereas the natural-processed Ethiopian imparts a more vibrant, citric acidity like an orange.